
Oz Tales – Short Stories of Murder & Mystery. My short story titled ‘Smithy’ is about two detectives who have a seriously unusual murder to solve. Set on a small secluded beach between Cairns & Port Douglas, Nth Queensland. Smithy, the unsuspecting bus driver who finally becomes a hero. There’s Crocodiles, Bikies, mystery, death, betrayal, heroism & something that’s not quite right.

Oz Tales – Short Stories of Forest & Fantasy. My short story is titled ‘ Tinsel Fructify‘ is about a teenage girl who discovers the family secret and her deadly blood link to Lycanthrope.

From the Edge. My short story is titled ‘Feathered Hooves’, a story about an unknowing young minder who discovers her prize winning dressage horse is part of the Pegasi Knight legacy.

Oz Tales – Short Stories of Ghosts & Graves. My short story is titled ‘Ghost Writer’, about a young girl thrown into a profession of death.